Wednesday, April 30, 2008

15 Random Facts About Me

This time, it was a tag from Jamie ;) It must have been a long over due tag. (Sorry, Jamie!)

15 RANDOM Things About Me RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 (unlucky) people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!

*Oh my goodness!* 15 random facts? I am SO NOT GOOD in this. *LoLs* I'll try though =D

1. I weighted 70 kgs at the height of 158 cms when I was 12.

2. I dislike being long haired.

3. When I talk, I talk a whole lot.

4. When I have money, I will spend it on FOOD :)

5. But most times, I am always broke....

6. I am named Chelsea but am a fan of the relegated Leeds United FC.

7. I got my mobile number changed 7 times since I started using one. Out of that 7 times, 5 times was because of my own carelessness for misplacing it!

8. Despite being the eldest, I am the shortest in height in comparison to the other 3 at home!

9. I am someone full of nonsense, a friend once said.

10. I prioritize sleep on top of anything else :)

11. I've always believed in what Sebastian from Mermaid said. That "if you want some thing done, you've got to do it yourself!"

12. I enjoy compliments :)

13. My favourite American Idol this season is Brooke White.

14. I am running out of things to tell about myself.....

15. Why not YOU tell me what you think about me? *winks* ;p


Mrcoolku said...

hardly can imagine how u look like when you are 12 yrs old!><"

i am indeed also a person full of nonsense. :)

chelsea said...

I'll try digging out some photos and post it up (That is if I could find) ;p Then you may get the picture of me when I was 12 *LoLs*